Join us for Family University 2025!
This event, scheduled for March 29, 2025 at Booker T. Washington High School, is designed to support our mission to facilitate strategic, authentic, and engaging literacy instruction to develop college and career-ready learners who are able to read, write, communicate, and think critically in a global society. The full day program is structured for families of PreK-12 students in our school system. It will consist of an opening speaker, interactive sessions to address reading and math literacy, Career and Technical Education presentations, and interactive STEAM sessions for students. The NPS Department of Human Resources will also be recruiting and providing information on available jobs. It is our hope that you will leave the event empowered and equipped with ideas and materials to engage with your children at home.

¡Únase a nosotros para la Universidad Familiar 2025!
Este evento, programado para el 29 de marzo de 2025 en la escuela secundaria Booker T. Washington, está diseñado para apoyar nuestra misión de facilitar una instrucción de alfabetización estratégica, auténtica y atractiva para desarrollar estudiantes preparados para la universidad y una carrera que sean capaces de leer, escribir y comunicarse. y pensar críticamente en una sociedad global. El programa de día completo está estructurado para familias de estudiantes de PreK-12 en nuestro sistema escolar. Constará de un orador de apertura, sesiones interactivas para abordar la alfabetización en lectura y matemáticas, presentaciones de educación técnica y profesional y sesiones STEAM interactivas para estudiantes. El Departamento de Recursos Humanos de NPS también reclutará y brindará información sobre los trabajos disponibles. Esperamos que salga del evento empoderado y equipado con ideas y materiales para interactuar con tu hijos en casa.

Saturday March 29, 2025 1:00pm - 1:40pm EDT
Dive into “It’s A Family Affair”, an exciting and interactive financial literacy workshop where parents and children team up to master money management, saving, and smart spending.

Discover fun activities and practical tips to empower your family with essential financial skills.

Atlantic Union Bank

Tonya Young, VP Workplace Solutions Relationship ManagerLatisha Brown, Community Lending Specialist
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:00pm - 1:40pm EDT

Attendees (2)

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